
Installing dependencies

justheuristic opened this issue · 7 comments

Any issues concerning installation can just as well be sent here.

We assume that you have basic data science toolkit (sklearn, numpy/scipy/pandas). Basically whatever comes with default anaconda distribution.

The majority of course assignments assignments use OpenAI gym

If you don't/can't install that (e.g. you use windows and installation is tricky), there's a docker container contributed to the course.

Deep learning

You will also need one of the following three stacks:

The frameworks can be easily installed on Mac OS and Linux. Windows installation is, a bit tougher, so if you don't feel like it, try using docker (e.g. kitematic gui or console on windows).

Install docker

Clone docker repo:
(or just docker pull justheuristic/practical_rl if you have docker shell)

If you want to build it yourself, use these instructions.

If you run into any trouble, feel free to post here, even if it's like "i don't know what the hell all these letters mean!!!".

One question: We'll use Python 2.7 or 3 in this course? I couldn't find that anywhere.

@LecJackS, I've commented your question in the gitter chat.

Thanks @arogozhnikov , I'll copy it here:

@LecJackS notebooks are written in the way to work in both, so whichever you prefer.
If you have no preference, then please use 2.7

The Linux "native docker" instructions in Practical_RL/tree/master/docker, in addition to needing better formatting (I think right now there is no carriage return between the two docker commands), needed the -it and -v parameters moved in front of the image name, otherwise my Ubuntu docker was giving me errors.

dniku commented

I'm reasonably certain that this issue can be now closed. Let's open more specific issues as needed.

Are there any solutions to the notebooks? thanks

dniku commented

@nikikotecha we don't publish the solutions to discourage the students who take this course in-person from cheating.

Also, please open separate issues for similar questions instead of posting them here.