Encryption key update
IamEgor opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello! Thanks for this library.
What is the best way to update encryptionkey for keyEncryption and valueEncryption?
If you wanna to migrate all data to another preferences instance without data lost you should use migration mechanism which described here.
Just create a new preferences with another name and key/value encryption keys and migrate all your old data to new one.
I've already try that and have an exception:
Caused by: com.ironz.binaryprefs.exception.FileOperationException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/user/0/com.covrsecurity.covr.test/files/preferences/corv_safe_storage/values/cdt7cy32cnt66x3ndsy7wxbmfm: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
Are you sure you are using api correctly?
Check this out sample from tests: