
compliment generating bot for Twitter (deactivated)

Primary LanguagePython


compliment generating bot for twitter - removed due to Twitter terms of use (rip)

Inspired by the original @TheNiceBot, which was deactivated in 2016. We scraped the set of 241 unique compliments that it gave, and wrote a bot that has the exact same functionality as the original. Users can request a compliment by mentioning @NiceBot_Reboot, and the bot will also compliment a random user at a set interval. The bot is currently undergoing live testing before deploying to production.

Dependencies needed:

  • python 3.5
  • tweepy

The bot script (nicebot.py) can be run once to reply to any new mentions and give one random compliment to a random user. For production, this will be deployed on Heroku and set to run at every 5 minutes with cron.

Crontab notes:

  • crontab -e to edit crontab file
  • crontab -l to view current crontab
  • use "#" to comment out lines in crontab file
  • In the crontab file, add:
    • SHELL=/bin/bash
    • PATH=(whatever your path is when you type "env" in terminal)
              • cd ~/PathToRepo/twitter-bot/src; python nicebot.py >> ~/PathToRepo/twitter-bot/out/out.txt 2>&1

Other notes:

  • scraper.py is a script reused from the Proton Compliment Bot project, it is used as a helper to collect the old TheNiceBot's tweets
  • secret.py with API_KEY, API_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, and ACCESS_SECRET are required for this to run, it is not provided in the repo since it's connected to our dev account

Future Ideas:

  • original compliment generation (essentially porting over the markov chain from Proton, my Alexa compliment bot)
  • automated DM responses

Current Progress: 8/4 Bot complete and livetested twice on 7/30 and 7/31, future plans - few bugfixes and live tests, then a deployment on Heroku 9/26 Twitter set our dev account to read-only, because apparently we can't compliment random people