Typos: Self intro breakdown does not match original
JosueLugaro opened this issue · 1 comments
TLDR: Two small typos on the /self-introduction/
page. Under "Example 1: ..." 30,000 should be changed to 40,000, and under "Example 2: ..." 4 should be changed to 3.
On this page https://www.techinterviewhandbook.org/self-introduction/
Under "Example 1: Front End Engineer at Meta", the quote above "Mention something about the project which stands out.". The text reads
"It receives over a million pageviews a month and is used by over 30,000 NUS undergraduates and even some professors."
But in the "Self Introduction" it says:
"It receives over a million pageviews a month and is used by over 40,000 NUS students and even some professors."
I also something similar under "Example 2: Front End Engineer at Lyft", the text above "Acknowledge that you work with others. ..." reads:
"I built the project with another engineer over the period of 4 months on a React/Redux and Golang stack."
But the "Self Introduction" says:
"I built the project with another engineer over the period of 3 months on a React/Redux and Golang stack."