problem with the diagramm
ArthurPERE opened this issue · 3 comments
ArthurPERE commented
I use your package but I have a bug when I use the diagramme in 4d, there is an intersection where the number is false.
Take this test file test.txt,
test = fread(test.txt)
test %>% ggvenn()
nrow(test[A == T & B == T & C == F & D==T])
The problem is on the intersection of A, B and D, your diagramme indicate 2 instead of 13 like the nrow(test[A == T & B == T & C == F & D==T])
indicate. This is the image I obtained with this test : .
yanlinlin82 commented
Thank you very much for reporting this. I will check that.
yanlinlin82 commented
I have fixed the bug. Please reinstall the latest version (0.1.1) and help to try again:
devtools::install_github("yanlinlin82/ggvenn", force = TRUE)
ArthurPERE commented
It is working.
Thank you