yannickboog's Following
- dmonadIndependent OSS Developer
- eevee
- evilrabbitVercel
- hawkw@oxidecomputer
- historicalsource
- ijjk@Vercel
- lefticusDenver, CO
- lmstudio-aiUnited States of America
- markdalgleish@remix-run
- mattgodboltAquatic Capital Management
- michaelrsweet@lakesiderobotics-ca
- mist64
- mperhamContributed Systems
- nathansmithDallas, TX
- ncannasseShiro Games
- neauoire@hundredrabbits
- nomic-aiUnited States of America
- nothings
- Rapptz
- rkhgood beans
- sebinsideKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- sergiodxaDaffy.org
- shuding@Vercel
- slorberThis Week In React
- stedolan
- styfle@vercel
- sunfishcode
- TartanLlama@Microsoft
- tgriesser@cypress-io
- ThePhDMünglass
- threepointoneLondon, England
- timdorr@Techstars
- vinniefalcohttps://cpp.al
- whitequark@ChipFlow
- Xe@techarocanada
- yusukebe@cloudflare