
CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") 崩溃

472125266 opened this issue · 7 comments

您好:我在使用EFQRCode时,在真机器iPhone X以上机型中:CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") 方法会崩溃,在真机器iPhone X以下,及iPhone 8 等,系统版本均为iOS13.1.3最新的,方法会无缘无故崩溃掉.请帮忙分析以下.谢谢

在真机器iPhone X以下,即iPhone 8 等正常.手机版本均为iOS13.1.3


Sorry I don't know Mandarin. Can you write in English please?

I have also encountered this and this crash problem, which has been solved just now. The specific reason is that your application or the third-party module you use refers to fishhook, which only needs to be removed

Thank you very much. I'll have a try. @yannickl @xhl916235259

Ok, you press this train of thought to try, should be ok settle, I also searched this problem to search good for a while, wish you good luck

You also good luck