
Missing Triple Classifier

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Apologize for re-issuing this point.

After I tried your advise below for another example in "test.tsv:
------------------------------- begin of your advice-------------------------------
The script should be similar to line 777--828 in run_bert_triple_classifier.py.

You need to assign your test triple 453 1347 37 to eval_examples in line 777 (which will have only one example),

then preds in line 828 will be the label which indicates if the triple is correct or not.
------------------------------- end of your advice-------------------------------

I do not enough understand how to put the triple in "test.tsv" file.
If I want to check whether this triple below correct or not
/m/01qscs /award/award_nominee/award_nominations./award/award_nomination/award /m/02x8n1n

How should I put the triple in "test.tsv" file?

I really hope you can help me to explain this.

Big thanks for your attention.
