
some troubles when changing the conda environment between the main_env and the PWC_env

foritgo opened this issue · 2 comments

    print('=> preparing optical flow. it would take a while.')
    # os.system('sourse activate PWCPython2 && conda deactivate && conda activate PWCPython2')
    # os.system('conda env list')
    os.system('conda init bash')
    # os.system('exit')
    os.system('source activate PWCPython2')
    os.system('conda deactivate')
    os.system('conda activate PWCPython2')
    for i in self.opt.intervals:
        os.system('conda env list')
        # ret = os.system('conda run -n PWCPython2 python2 video_pwc.py ../outputs/{} {}'.format(self.opt.name, i))
        ret = os.system('python2 video_pwc.py ../outputs/{} {}'.format(self.opt.name, i))
        assert ret == 0, "Failed to run PWC-Net, please check the environment of PWC-Net"

there is sth wrong:
File "/home/dongxinghao/workspace/Deep3D/sequence_io.py", line 76, in generate_flows
assert ret == 0, "Failed to run PWC-Net, please check the environment of PWC-Net"
AssertionError: Failed to run PWC-Net, please check the environment of PWC-Net

did you installed PWC-Net ?