
Shelly Plug S to ESPurna failed

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Thanks for providing this solution. Unfortunately I had issues converting a "Shelly Plug S" and a "Shelly 1L" to ESPurna.

Shelly Plug S:
Once connected to WiFi I issued the command "wget".

The first stage seems to work (ping stopped for ten seconds and then continued), but the process did not proceed after that and did not finish for several minutes. I gave up waiting after about ten minutes.

Current state of the Shelly Plug S:
I can still access the webserver, but it just gives a directory listing with a couple of files. Amongst them some JSON and the index.html.gz. The OTA endpoint is not working anymore (Not Found). Pinging the device works.

Edit 1: Shelly 1L:
I tried the similar procedure with a Shelly 1L, but used the script flash-shelly.py for that - same issue:
$ python3 flash-shelly.py -a -t espurna
It found the device, I confirmed and it started converting the device.

While pinging I could observe that about 8 seconds the ping stops, comes back and just remains available. It seems as if it does not continue into the final firmware. Here is the same state, just a directory listing.

Is there anything I can do besides opening the devices and flashing over-wires? Did I do anything wrong?

Best regards,

Edit 2: I tried the script with a second Shelly 1L and converted to Tasmota. That worked as expected (no issues, runs Tasmota now), so my issues with the two devices above is that I specified to convert them to ESPurna.

@Torxgewinde thanks for reporting! I'll have to investigate why ESPurna fails at the moment.

Your devices can be recovered. If you are using the latest version of mgos2... you should be able to update the download URL to any binary of your choosing:

curl -d '{"config":{"mg2x":{"url":"<yourTargetUrl>"}}, "save": true,"reboot": true,"level": 1}' <shellyIP>/rpc/Config.Set

The device will reboot and download the target file.

I did not have time to test the command, so there might be a typo in it. You can for example use https://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release/tasmota.bin as <yourTargetUrl>.

As an alternative, you could update to another version of mg2x by pushing the matching zip as OTA update with

curl -i -F filedata=@./fw.zip http://<shellyIP>/update

Replace fw.zip with the tasdmota version of mg2....

Please let me know if one of my suggestions worked

Hallo Mark,
Thanks for your reply, it helped to flash to Tasmota! I am also not sure what happened with ESPurna, but I am happy that I do not have to fiddle with the tiny cables and well hidden screws :)

What did NOT work:
curl -d '{"config":{"mg2x":{"url":"https://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release/tasmota.bin"}}, "save": true, "reboot": true, "level": 1}'
That command came back with:
{"code":-1,"message":"error saving config: STA SSID must be between 1 and 31 chars"}

I also misread your info to use the mg2x specific ZIP file from dasker and tried this command first with a regular tasmota download:
curl -i -F filedata=@tasmota.bin
Which is refused with the answer:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: Mongoose/6.18
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close

-1 Malformed archive (invalid header)

But, in the end it did succeed:
curl http://dl.dasker.eu/firmware/mg2tasmota-ShellyPlugS.zip -o mg2tasmota.zip
curl -i -F filedata=@mg2tasmota.zip
The device answered with:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Mongoose/6.18
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close

1 Update applied, rebooting

Et voila, after a while a new SSID was broadcasted and I had it converted. Great! Flashing from Tasmota to ESPurna is possible with SetOption78 1, so I am not stuck with Tasmota in case I do not like it too much. The MQTT strings are IMHO strange, but certainly that is a matter of taste.

Thanks a million for your help and especially for your project!

Ha! Nice!

For the first approach: If you still have a spare, try it with level=9, if not, it doesn't matter too much.

The malformed header error is to be expected, as you cannot update Mongoose OS directly using a bin file due to different update mechanisms. This is the reason this project exists :)

For the second approach: Glad it worked and saved you the hassle of opening your devices. I'll still leave this issue open for now, so I remember to fix the original problem

Yes, I will try with the remaining Shelly 1L if level=9 will work and come back to you.

Edit: Yes, that worked straight away now, here is the full command and the device response:

$ curl -d '{"config":{"mg2x":{"url":"https://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release/tasmota.bin"}}, "save": true,"reboot": true,"level": 9}'
{"saved": true}

Thanks again!

I just ran into this same problem trying to install HomeKit Accessory Architect via mg2haa-Shelly1.zip

I haven't tried the advice you give above to recover yet.

What is the root problem that gets the Shelly hung up in the intermediate phase?


  • Chris

UPDATE: I tried the following, but am still stuck in the intermediary firmware with no clear idea on how to get to HAA:

chris@Chriss-MacBook-Air Downloads % curl -i -F filedata=@mg2haa.zip
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Mongoose/6.18
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close

1 Update applied, rebooting


curl -d '{"config":{"mg2x":{"url":"http://github.com/RavenSystem/haa/releases/latest/download/fullhaaboot.bin"}}, "save": true,"reboot": true,"level": 9}'
{"saved": true}

But no luck so far...

I think I have found the issue. I'll give you more details later today

Ok, let me give you a more detailed explanation: Starting from version 0.4.3 this firmware downloads the latest target releases of tasmota, haa, espurna directly from the respective release pages. In case of haa and espurna, this means following 302 redirects. My implementation for following those redirects was not 100% compliant with HTTP standards, which resulted in the intermediate firmware sometimes not following the redirect.

I've fixed this with v0.4.6, which is currently building. For new devices, you should not get stuck any longer. Devices with older firmware versions, that are stuck in the process, can be recovered using the latest intermediate firmware. Please download the latest matching release and apply it using

curl -i -F filedata=@./fw.zip http://<shellyIP>/update

Your device should then continue to the desired target firmware. @radven can you please confirm?

I tried 0.4.6, and left if sit for 15 minutes and HAA never installed. It seems to be behaving exactly the same as before.

chris@Chriss-MacBook-Air Downloads % curl -i -F filedata=@mg2haa-Shelly1.zip
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Mongoose/6.18
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close

1 Update applied, rebooting

Let me know if there is anything else I should try for you.

@radven - we had this in other issues before, so please double-check:

  1. Your device is in a network with automatically assigned IP addresses, has the right subnet mask, DNS server, and router configuration?
  2. Your device is allowed to reach the internet?

I think you can use curl http://<shellyIP>/rpc/Sys.GetInfo to confirm these settings.

Also, please set the download URL to https://github.com/RavenSystem/haa/releases/latest/download/fullhaaboot.bin instead of http://..., as the redirect from http to https is 301, which is not implemented.

  1. Your device is in a network with automatically assigned IP addresses, has the right subnet mask, DNS server, and router configuration?
  2. Your device is allowed to reach the internet?

I think you can use curl http://<shellyIP>/rpc/Sys.GetInfo to confirm these settings.

This is what I see:

chris@Chriss-MacBook-Air Downloads % curl
{"id": "shelly1-8CAAB5C51510", "app": "switch1", "fw_version": "0.4.6", "fw_id": "20210118-130045", "mg_version": "2.19.0", "mg_id": "20210118-130045/2.19.0-ge456939", "mac": "8EAAB5C51510", "arch": "esp8266", "uptime": 25, "public_key": null, "ram_size": 52936, "ram_free": 40876, "ram_min_free": 38768, "fs_size": 233681, "fs_free": 119727,"wifi": {"sta_ip": "", "ap_ip": "", "status": "got ip", "ssid": "Y-Not Bytes"}}

I am guessing by the missing ap_ip the Shelly is not getting configured properly?

But on the router - I see the DHCP reservation and the address being assigned. There is no reason that the Shelly should be blocked from the internet - no other DHCP devices are having any issues.

Also, please set the download URL to https://github.com/RavenSystem/haa/releases/latest/download/fullhaaboot.bin instead of http://..., as the redirect from http to https is 301, which is not implemented.

I just tried this:

chris@Chriss-MacBook-Air Downloads % curl -d '{"config":{"mg2x":{"url":"http://github.com/RavenSystem/haa/releases/latest/download/fullhaaboot.bin"}}, "save": true,"reboot": true,"level": 9}'
{"saved": true}

Still the same.


It is ok for ap_ip to be empty.

Yes, please replace http with https in your download URL, as I suggested above:

curl -d '{"config":{"mg2x":{"url":"https://github.com/RavenSystem/haa/releases/latest/download/fullhaaboot.bin"}}, "save": true,"reboot": true,"level": 9}'

Yes, please replace http with https in your download URL, as I suggested above

For some reason the first try with https didn't work, so I tried http. But when I switched back to https, it worked great - running HAA now. Problem solved!

Thanks! :-)

Nice! Thanks for sticking with me, and I'm glad it worked \o/

nimal commented


I just ran into the same problem as @Torxgewinde with a Shelly Plug S. I tried to follow all the steps described above, but unfortunately without success.

When I use the command:

curl -i -F filedata=@mg2tasmota.zip http://x.x.x.x/update

The device is not getting updated. However, I can see something is actually going on. The updater.dat on the webserver contains the following:

`HTTP/1.1 409 OK
Server: Mongoose/6.18
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close

Another update is in progress.`

But the Curl command never returns Update applied.

I also tried the command:

$ curl -d '{"config":{"mg2x":{"url":"https://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release/tasmota.bin"}}, "save": true,"reboot": true,"level": 9}' http://x.x.x.x/rpc/Config.Set

I can see the mg2x config is updated with the url, but the device is not downloading the target file.


Any help is much appreciated.

Screenshot from 2022-08-02 09-28-30