
Update HAA Installer to v4.4.0

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have released a new version of HAA Installer. Please, update yours with last version from here:


Many thanks!

Thanks for the heads up! Starting with v0.4.0 I've switched to downloading the latest target firmware directly from the maintainers, in your case https://github.com/RavenSystem/haa/releases/latest/download/fullhaaboot.bin. If you ever happen to change that URL, please let me know!

Here is some context: #22 (comment)

Thanks by the way for your awesome firmware!

Ohh, I see. Many thanks!! Yes, Tasmota developer created a fork to use directly from his repo. Don't worry about URL change, if It changes, there will be a big mess.

I personally don't try your firmware because I use wires to flash (it is faster for me), but many users use your firmware to install mine and it works great. Thanks again!!