
May brick the device

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I tried this on Three Shelly 1L's.

The first worked perfectly, just as described. Restarted a couple of times and came back with Tasmota in just few minutes and was working great since.

Few days later I tried the exact same procedure on another Shelly 1L that was working fine with stock firmware. This time the device died. It gave me the json answer that says status=updating which is the normal behavior. Then it restarted and never came back. It was inaccessible via wifi and the physical switch did not work either. I thought I did something wrong, so I tried with another one, after all the first one went so well.

Pointed it to the suitable url, this time double checking it's for Shelly 1L, checking that the link is alive and not touching anything during the process. Unfortunately this one also never came back from its restart.

So I do not know exactly what went wrong in the Two last times and what made a difference from the first one, but I will have to flush them manually.

I had the same problem with Shelly 1: everything went fine with the first device, but the second failed (did not connect to WiFi after the automatic restart, neither seems to be working in AP mode as no Tasmota similar SSID showed up). I tried to manually restart a few times, also tried to make it connect to mgos-recover, but without luck.

Seems to be very similar to what was reported at #45, although I did not use the Python script, but the URL approach to OTA update.

Very first device, Shelly 1 v3, bricked. Pulled directly out of the box new. Had 2019 firmware on it. Did not OTA upgrade to latest Shelly. Will try again with another one.

It also failed for a Shelly 1 and a Shelly 1L for me. Really annoying, because now I need to take it out of the wall again.