
Shelly Plug responds "Not Found" when trying to flash

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I picked up a couple of Shelly Plugs, and was trying to flash them using the same process I did before:

But the device responds "Not Found" in the browser.

Device ID: 083AF2006F44
Firmware version: plugusprod2
Firmware build ID: 20220211-132652/plugusprod2_app-gcb4621f
Web build ID: 1.5.5-c01b44e

This worked fine on the plugs I picked up early last year. Perhaps the firmware is an issue.

Same thing happens with mine; found out it's because Shelly is now shipping the second generation model called the Shelly Plus Plug US (notice the prod2 in the firmware version). The shell is the same shape (now a matte finish though), but the internals were completely redesigned. Hardware wise it's a Shelly Plus 1PM in plug form.

This means that it needs a different mgos-to-tasmota firmware package, which I'm fairly certain doesn't exist yet as it doesn't appear to support any of the second generation "Plus" devices. I imagine the OTA URL has moved to http://deviceip/#/ota like the rest of the webui, but I didn't want try it with a link to any incompatible firmware for fear of bricking it. I don't mind sticking with the Shelly firmware on my new ones for now, they're apparently more stable than the old Plug US (not that I had issues with those on the Shelly firmware either).

Can you please elaborate on the url http://deviceip/#/ota.
What is the meaning of #
Thanks in advance.