
Where can I access the location information

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Hi, thank you for the amazing dataset. As mentioned in your paper, the images covers three cities, SD,
Shanghai and Qingdao. I wonder how can I access the location information of the images, i.e from which city the images are extracted.

Sorry for the late reply.
The rough coordinates of the three areas are as follow.
Qingdao: (35.784,119.937), (35.673,120.060)
Shanghai: (30.932,121.650), (121.766,30.820)
San Diego: (32.749, -117.269), (32.671,-117.112)

Sorry for the late reply.
The rough coordinates of the three areas are as follow.
Qingdao: (35.784,119.937), (35.673,120.060)
Shanghai: (30.932,121.650), (121.766,30.820)
San Diego: (32.749, -117.269), (32.671,-117.112)

Thank you for the information, but is there any way to know which image is from which city in this dataset? We would like to split the dataset into different sets according to their location (city), e.g Qingdao: img1 img0... ;Shanghai: img0234, img939...

Sorry we didn't manage to do this, but it is a good advice. We will fix this in future.

Sorry we didn't manage to do this, but it is a good advice. We will fix this in future.

Thank you for the reply. We believe the objects in different cities present different characteristics. With this additional information, some location-specific models could be trained, or it can be used in domain adaptation tasks. :)