
Crash on keyForImage

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi There!

I've been getting a EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash on line 708 of YapImageManager.swift specifically on:
key += String(format: "(URLString ?? "")%0.5f%0.5f", size?.width ?? 0.0, size?.height ?? 0.0)

If URLString contains a value and it does not contain any placeholders for the arguments passed (width and height) it crashes. If I just pass URLString or remove URLString and leave the rest of the string formatting, then it works fine.

Not sure if you had this happen before.

(lldb) po String(format: "\("<na>")_%0.5f_%0.5f", size?.width ?? 0.0, size?.height ?? 0.0)

(lldb) po String(format: "_%0.5f_%0.5f", size?.width ?? 0.0, size?.height ?? 0.0)

(lldb) po String(format: "\(URLString ?? "<na>")")
"https://static.fragds.com/legacy-contentassets/image/Trivesta/9720_1476212759000_video-still_7339_Trivesta(null)re-Launch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              nglish.jpg"

(lldb) po String(format: "\(URLString ?? "<na>")_%0.5f_%0.5f", size?.width ?? 0.0, size?.height ?? 0.0)
error: Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x4073000000000000).
The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.

po URLString
▿ Optional<String>
  - some : "https://static.fragds.com/legacy-contentassets/image/Trivesta/9720_1476212759000_video-still_7339_Trivesta%252520Pre-Launch%252520English.jpg"

Oh, I think maybe the encoding of the URL (%252520) is causing the issue?

That makes sense! Good catch. The url should not be part of the format string. Something like this should work better:

key += String(format: "%@_%0.5f_%0.5f", URLString ?? "<na>", size?.width ?? 0.0, size?.height ?? 0.0)

Let me know if you want to create a PR or if you prefer for me to fix and push a release.


Is it ok to have the key be URL_0.0_0.0? this way you will always get the URL + the sizes with it. The old/current one you only get sizes if there is no URL.

I can definitely submit a PR

I saw you merged to master. Thanks @trevorstout !
Should the version be updated to reflect on new pod installs/updates? Do you want me to do it?

Thanks again for the fix! I pushed a new version just now (1.0.6).