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To Whom It May Concern:
Hi, I’m Hangyul Lee, a full stack start up developer based in South Korea. I love thinking about new stuff and producing those in real world.
I also work as a volunteer to teach college students who are willing to become an Rails developer. It is great to be surrounded with young, passionate future developers, who are eagering to grow up as a professional developer.
As I and my students and I am Yarn lovers, it would be fantastic to put a Yarn sticker on our MacBook!
I tried to buy the stickers here in Korea, ended up facing the fact that none of the sticker producing companies sells any kind of developer stickers. If I want to get some, I have to produce stickers by myself and ask companies like or to produce them. Since most of the sticker manufacturers are located in the States, stickers have to cross almost the half of the Earth to reach us. As you can imagine,costs both time and money A LOT. Ouch!
So I and co-founder Woohyun-Roh decided to make Dingco Stickers. We really want Korean people to have easy access on buying Yarn stickers within fair price and short shipping period. We really hope you could let us sell Yarn stickers in Korea.
AND ONE MORE THING: We are not asking your permission for free.
We’ve already been reached out lots of producers and gained permission to use their logo. (Yay!) For instance, the founder of Ruby, Matsumoto and the founder of Rails, DHH allowed us to sell the items in condition of donating certain percentage of profits to the charities in the name of their organization.
We are 100% open to accept whatever your offer is! If you could just give us a permission and following rules (i.e. sharing profit with your organization, donating to certain charities as Rails did… It is totally up to you).
Thank you so much and we hope to get back from you soon.
Best Regards,
Hangyul Lee