A project to build an AI voice assistant using Python . The Voice assistant interacts with the humans to perform basic tasks.
Robo is an AI personal voice assistant service built using Python. It can understand human speech and perform basic task designed by the client.
When the user specify the appropriate trigger words , The Robo gets activated and executes the user commands.
Robo AI Voice assistant:"Good Morning Sir" (Greets the user according to time). I am Robo, your personal assistant. How may I help you? "
1.Can open a web page : Youtube , Google (using web browser)
2.Searching wikipedia (using wikipedia)
3.Predicts time (using datetime)
4.Playing a youtube video (using Pywhatkit)
5.Searching anything on google (using Pywhatkit)
6.Crack a joke (using pyjokes)
7.Can open a specific folder or downloaded music (using os)
8.Sending Mail (using smtplib)
9.Weather status (using openweather Map api)
10.Fetching Latest News (open times of India Latest News Section)
11.Can answer computational and geographical questions (using wolframalpha)
12.Writing notes and showing notes (using python file handling)
13.Can answer general questions (like will you be my life partner etc.)
14.Can stop listening (by using bye, exit, quit etc. commands)
if you ask any illogical question to Robo or if your voice is not clear then it will say:
"Sorry, I couldn't understand. Try again"
3.Speech recognition
7.Wolfram Alpha
3.web browser
Robo uses Third party API's to predict weather in different cities and to ask computational and geographical questions. Free API keys can be generated by creating an account in the following applications.
Open Weather Map - To forecast weather
WolframAlpha - To answer questions