
Robi movements with Typer CLI

Primary LanguagePython

Robi Movements

This is a Python based project that addresses the robi movements task. I am primarily using FastAPI, Pydantic as well as Typer.

How to run the command

  • Clone the repo
  • Create a virutal env python3 -m venv name_of_venv
  • source name_of_venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python app.py move_robot "movement_str"

Future improvements

I added models.py as a placeholder to show how pydantic types can be enforced, its specifically useful with the API implementation. On the same note, I added api.py file to also have the similar API implementation.

Additional Info

  • There is also the test.py file added just to have some initial tests
  • The bonus_x position(bonus_x,bonus_y) can either be provided to be constant or let to be set randomly between -100 to 100


Below is the high level description of what the task asks:

Keed Digital has a small robot (Robi), which moves around in a 2-dimensional grid. Robi can only turn left or right and walk straight. The robot also knows its current position (X, Y) as well as its direction: Top (T), Bottom (B), Left (L) or Right (R). In order to get the Robi to move, we need to input a move command. The move command can be represented with a string consisting of three alphabets L, R and F. F string will be followed by a positive integer X to indicate the distance of how many steps it has to move, which can be explained as follows:

  • L: Turn to the left from Robi current position (counterclockwise)
  • R: Turn to the right from Robi current position (clockwise)
  • FX: Move Forward for X step(s) where X can be any positive integers. For example, F12 means moving forward for 12 steps.

Initial conditions

  • Robi starts at the position (X,Y) of (0,0)
  • Robi is facing Top (T), we state Direction (D) to D:T We add one Bonus item in a random (X,Y) location in the range of -100 to 100

The example Given the move command of LLF9RF4RRF12 means Robi starts at the position X:0; Y:0; D:T

  1. Robi turns left - facing Left (X:0; Y:0; D:L)
  2. Robi turns left - facing Bottom (X:0; Y:0; D:B)
  3. Robi moves forward 9 steps (X:0; Y:-9; D:B)
  4. Robi turns right - facing Left (X:0; Y:-9; D:L)
  5. Robi moves forward 4 steps (X:-4; Y:-9; D:L)
  6. Robi turns right - facing Top (X:-4; Y:-9; D:T)
  7. Robi turns right - facing Right (X:-4; Y:-9; D:R)
  8. Robi moves forward 12 steps (X:8; Y:-9; D:R)
  9. Print out the last position, direction and if passed the bonus location > X:8; Y:-9; D:R; B:0

The task is to create an elegant command-line script that accepts a command-line argument as an input string of the move command and print out the result of the last position (X, Y), direction (T, B, L or R) and if Robi passed the Bonus (B) location.