
Camera permission text always display default text instead of custom.

novavision opened this issue · 5 comments

Description of the bug

Camera permission text always display default text instead of custom.

Reproduction steps

So, by default it's set to "Allow {App} to take thee pictures and record video?". I changed it in Project Settings > yasirkula > Native Camera but nothing chnaged on both iOS and Android builds. I found a closed issue here where were recommended to change the text in NCPostProcessBuild.cs. So I did but it didn't solve the problem on Android devices.

Platform specs

Please provide the following info if this is a Unity 3D repository.

  • Unity version: 2021.3.23*
  • Platform: Android
  • Device: Xiaomi K20 Pro
  • How did you download the plugin: Asset Store

Unity's Player Settings may be overriding those settings. Can you search Player Settings for that text to see if it exists?

There is no option to set permission request text for Android, only for iOS and btw, that text didn't override Native Camera asset NCPostProcessBuild.cs text

Yes you can't change the text on Android. If they had added this option in the latest Android versions, then it's possible but I'm unaware of it.

Ok, that's clear, but why modified values (in Project Settings and script) are not applied to Android permission text? As I said I still see the default text there.

Android permission text can't be modified which is why those text aren't applied to it. The Android operating system shows a fixed text while asking for permission, you can't change the text.