
helm-company-run-show-location is bound to helm-execute-persistent-action

tuhdo opened this issue · 1 comments

Because of this, when pressing <tab> on a candidate, the helm completion buffer changes to the source buffer of that candidate; there's no way to go back other than abort current helm-company with C-g.

The correct behaviour should be the same as helm-M-x: when helm-execute-persistent-action is executed on a candidate, it shows the doc, executed again, it cancels the doc buffer. I bind helm-execute-persistent-action to <tab> (the default is C-z), so when I press <tab>, the doc buffer shows up, press <tab> again, it disappears.

Same thing should be applied for helm-company-run-show-location. These two functions should be put in helm action menu: when helm-select-action is executed (which is bound to <tab> in default Helm), a list of available action should be listed. User can quicky select first, second and third action with <return>, C-e and C-j respectively. Using this feature from Helm, user won't have to bind any key for these new features.

You are right. Thank you for pointing it out!