While most browsers work all right with the new semantic elements of HTML5, they don’t add the ARIA accessibility attributes that the specification demands. This small JavaScript adds those attributes to enhance accessibility of web sites.
- adrienne
- anboteroLa Haus
- BrianGilbertRealityloop Pty Ltd
- chuanxshiInfinitAI
- cpatnifacebook.com
- darccio@datadog
- davidlNorth Carolina, USA
- dennisfrankBraunschweig, Germany
- designorant@tehidea
- fabiant7tschnee von morgen webTV GmbH
- felipepodesta@felipepodesta
- joedevonThe GAAD Foundation
- jwangCupertino, CA
- keithparentBBQGuys.com
- kevinSuttleCincinnati, OH
- kremalicious@oceanprotocol @bigchaindb
- lvivskiSeattle, WA
- macxIT-P
- MarcusJTMarcus Tucker Photography
- mathiasbynens@Google
- mdcarter@leboncoin, @boonjy
- mirfanIndia
- mrusmeレーザーファックス
- nestorrojasOPENCADEMY
- nilya
- paolodediosSeattle, WA
- patrickac
- roelvangilsEleven Ways
- SchubiduGermany
- sindrevienna, Austria
- smokeyfroSmokeyFro
- TaopaiCTaipei, Taiwan
- this-emilUK
- waako@opencodeHQ
- woodworkerMayflower GmbH
- WraithKenny@AshworthCreative @unFocus @Go-Gladys