
Some mapping works incorrectly

damanis opened this issue · 3 comments

Configure 'alias' of ':' vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('', '', ':', {})
Then, when press alt-x the command line looks as ':x' ('x' always added) instead of ':'
There is no problem in fvim-linux-amd64-v0.3.501+g76a08f0-2-g5254e85

yatli commented

Can confirm, thanks for reporting.
This issue is due to inconsistencies in keyboard event handling across different platforms.
I'll see if I can fix this issue upstream.
Until then, a fvim patch is needed.

I don't know if it related: yank command does not update both PRIMARY and SECONDARY clipboards in linux.
Configuration: vim.o.clipboard = [[unnamed]]

yatli commented


Lines 403 to 410 in 8a6f26b

rpc.register.request "set-clipboard" (fun [| P(|String|_|)lines; String regtype |] -> task {
states.clipboard_lines <- lines
states.clipboard_regtype <- regtype
let text = String.Join("\n", lines)
let! _ = Avalonia.Application.Current.Clipboard.SetTextAsync(text)
trace "set-clipboard called. regtype=%s" regtype
return Ok(box [||])

I'm not familiar with the X11 clipboard behavior, and I'm depending on upstream Avalonia capabilities on this.