
Setting up per-project import paths

grogancolin opened this issue · 3 comments

In the readme you have:
"You can also add include_paths per project."

I cant seem to find a way to do it (I may simply be looking in the wrong place).

Is there any documentation on this?

yazd commented

You can do that by editing the sublime-project file. For example, this is part of my sublime-project file for vibe.d:

                "name": "vibe-d",
                "path": "."
                "name": "libevent",
                "path": "/home/user/.dub/packages/libevent-2.0.1_2.0.16"
            "package_file": "/home/user/Projects/vibe.d/dub.json"

If you are using DUB, you can automatically create this file using the sublime command DKit: Create Project From DUB Package File.

I will keep this open until I add proper documentation.


any events with this issue? I'm curious how I can add vibe.d in my project to have autocomplete :)