
Setup Airbrake for your Java application

aminyazdanpanah opened this issue · 0 comments

Step 1: Install

Use log4j? Check out our log4j appender on GitHub for install instructions.

Install option 1: Gradle

compile 'io.airbrake:javabrake:0.1.0'

Install option 2: Maven


Install option 3: Ivy

<dependency org='io.airbrake' name='javabrake' rev='0.1.0'>
  <artifact name='javabrake' ext='pom'></artifact>

Step 2: Configuration

Copy this configuration snippet into your Java app.

(You can find your project API KEY with your project's settings)

import io.airbrake.javabrake.Notifier;

int projectId = <Your project ID>;
String projectKey = "<Your project API KEY>";
Notifier notifier = new Notifier(projectId, projectKey);

    (Notice notice) -> {
      notice.setContext("environment", "production");
      return notice;

Example of reporting a caught exception:

try {
} catch (IOException e) {

For more information please visit our official GitHub repo.