
The PvT calculation is inconsistent with the paper

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The LE is a great idea to learn hypergraph. I have carefully read the paper and code, and I find the calculation of PvT is inconsistent in the code and paper.

  • In paper
    The calculation of PvT is gave by the Eqn. (3) in section 3.3
    when $v$ is the vertex part of $v_{l}$

  • In code

weight = np.ones(N_node)
    for vertex in range(N_vertex):
        tmp = np.where(pairs[:, 0] == vertex)[0]
        weight[tmp] = 1. / len(tmp)
    PvT = sp.coo_matrix((weight, (pairs[:, 0], np.arange(N_node))), 
        shape=(N_vertex, N_node), dtype=np.float32) # (N_vertex, N_node)

the PvT in code is calculated by $\frac{1}{\delta(e)}$, which is inconsistent with Eqn. (3) in paper.

Sorry for the confusion. You can definitely further normalize it.