
File upload in form makes Error : Serialization of 'Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile' is not allowed

raphaelmsr opened this issue · 4 comments

I saw in the doc to disable the cache; but isn't there a way to simply bypass it for Serialization and let the current step model take care of saving data just for this input ?

ycs77 commented

I have thought of: save the file first and save the URL to the cache. When save data, move the file to the location you really want to save.

I add it to the todo list.

hi, i have the same issue. is there a way how to inject service in step controller?

ycs77 commented

@peterkacinec Hi, you can use app() (or App::make()) inject any service to step class. See Laravel docs: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/container#the-make-method

If you have other issues, can open new issue to discuss 😄.

ycs77 commented

Released v2.3.3 to fixed this.