Package does not play well with Laravel 8
rabol opened this issue · 4 comments
Use Version:
Use version when bugs appear.
- Laravel: v8.27.0 (PHP v7.4.13)
- Laravel Wizard: v2.3.0
Describe the bug
When trying to reach the url for a newly created wizard I get this:
Action UserRegistrationWizardController@create not defined
To Reproduce
php artisan make:wizard UserRegistration NameAndEmailStep,PlanSettngsSetp,BillingInfoStep
got to the url: test.test/wizard/user_registration
Expected behavior
no error, blank page
extra information:
I had to modify the route:
Wizard::routes('wizard/user', 'App\Http\Controllers\UserWizardController', 'wizard.user');
in the trait Wizadable.getActionUrl(), it looks like the return action() call hit's the wrong action method.
there is a action() in the
and there is one in
and the last seems to be the one that is executed.
I did this change to the getActionUrl()
$nameSpace = config('wizard.namespace.controllers');
$nameSpace = Str::finish($nameSpace,'\\');
return app('url')->action( $nameSpace . $method, $parameters, true);
it seems to work, but I'm not 100% sure if that is the best fix
@rabol Hey, seems that I also have reached this issue, however I had solved it in a slightly different way. I used trait nesting to resolve the method that caused the error rather then modifying the package files :
class OrderWizardController extends Controller
use Wizardable, ActionableWizardable {
ActionableWizardable::getActionMethod insteadof Wizardable;
and the trait itself:
trait ActionableWizardable {
public function getActionMethod(string $method)
$className = static::class;
$stepNamespace = config('wizard.namespace.controllers');
$rootNamespace = trim(str_replace('/', '\\', $stepNamespace), '\\');
if (Str::startsWith($className, $rootNamespace)) {
$className = trim($className, '\\');
} else {
$className = '\\' . trim($className, '\\');
return "$className@$method";
However would like to dig more to get more understanding on the issue. Hope this will help someone
Fixed this bug in v2.3.1, update package and try again.
Update the route file in Laravel 8.x:
no edit will work, but need to uncomment the RouteServiceProvider.php#L29
use App\Http\Controllers\UserWizardController;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Ycs77\LaravelWizard\Facades\Wizard;
Wizard::routes('wizard/user', UserWizardController::class, 'wizard.user');