
A library for issuing and verifying SD-JWT

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Important! Before you proceed, please read the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project description


Table of contents


This is a library offering a DSL (domain-specific language) for defining how a set of claims should be made selectively disclosable.

Library implements SD-JWT draft 8 is implemented in Kotlin, targeting JVM.

Library's SD-JWT DSL leverages the DSL provided by KotlinX Serialization library for defining JSON elements

Use cases supported


To issue a SD-JWT, an Issuer should have:

  • Decided on how the issued claims will be selectively disclosed (check DSL examples)
  • Whether to use decoy digests or not
  • An appropriate signing key pair
  • optionally, decided if and how will include holder's public key to the SD-JWT

In the example bellow, Issuer decides to issue an SD-JWT as follows:

  • Includes in plain standard JWT claims (sub,iss, iat, exp)
  • Makes selectively disclosable a claim named address using structured disclosure. This allows individually disclosing every subclaim of address
  • Uses his RSA key pair to sign the SD-JWT
val issuedSdJwt: String = run {
    val issuerKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
    val sdJwtSpec = sdJwt {
        plain {
        structured("address") {
            sd {
                put("street_address", "Schulstr. 12")
                put("locality", "Schulpforta")
                put("region", "Sachsen-Anhalt")
                put("country", "DE")
    val issuer = SdJwtIssuer.nimbus(signer = RSASSASigner(issuerKeyPair), signAlgorithm = JWSAlgorithm.RS256)

You can get the full code here.

Please check KeyBindingTest for a more advanced issuance scenario, including adding to the SD-JWT, holder public key, to leverage key binding.

Holder Verification

In this case, the SD-JWT is expected to be in serialized form.

Holder must know:

  • the public key of the Issuer and the algorithm used by the Issuer to sign the SD-JWT
val verifiedIssuanceSdJwt: SdJwt.Issuance<JwtAndClaims> = runBlocking {
    val issuerKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
    val jwtSignatureVerifier = RSASSAVerifier(issuerKeyPair).asJwtVerifier()

    val unverifiedIssuanceSdJwt = loadSdJwt("/exampleIssuanceSdJwt.txt")
        jwtSignatureVerifier = jwtSignatureVerifier,
        unverifiedSdJwt = unverifiedIssuanceSdJwt,

You can get the full code here.

Holder Presentation

In this case, a Holder of an SD-JWT issued by an Issuer, wants to create a presentation for a Verifier. The Holder should know which of the selectively disclosed claims to include in the presentation. The selectively disclosed claims to include in the presentation are expressed using JSON Pointers as per RFC6901.

val presentationSdJwt: SdJwt.Presentation<SignedJWT> = run {
    val issuedSdJwt = run {
        val issuerKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
        val sdJwtSpec = sdJwt {
            plain {
            recursive("address") {
                sd {
                    put("street_address", "Schulstr. 12")
                    put("locality", "Schulpforta")
                    put("region", "Sachsen-Anhalt")
                    put("country", "DE")
        val issuer = SdJwtIssuer.nimbus(signer = RSASSASigner(issuerKeyPair), signAlgorithm = JWSAlgorithm.RS256)

    val claimsToInclude = listOf("/address/region", "/address/country")
        .mapNotNull { JsonPointer.parse(it) }


You can get the full code here.

In the above example, the Holder has decided to disclose the claims region and country of the selectively disclosed claim address.

The resulting presentation will contain 3 disclosures:

  • 1 disclosure for the selectively disclosed claim address
  • 1 disclosure for the selectively disclosed claim region
  • 1 disclosure for the selectively disclosed claim country

This is because to disclose either the claim region or the claim country, the claim address must be disclosed as well.

Please note that OpenId4VP uses Presentation Exchange, to allow an RP/Verifier to describe the presentation requirements, which depends on JSON Path expressions. On the other hand, the present function shown above expects either a set of JSON Pointers or a JSON Pointer predicate. We consider that bridging those two (JSON Path & Pointer) should be left outside the scope of this library.

Presentation Verification

In simple (not enveloped) format

In this case, the SD-JWT is expected to be in Combined Presentation format. Verifier should know the public key of the Issuer and the algorithm used by the Issuer to sign the SD-JWT. Also, if verification includes Key Binding, the Verifier must also know a how the public key of the Holder was included in the SD-JWT and which algorithm the Holder used to sign the Key Binding JWT

val verifiedPresentationSdJwt: SdJwt.Presentation<JwtAndClaims> = runBlocking {
    val issuerKeyPair = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
    val jwtSignatureVerifier = RSASSAVerifier(issuerKeyPair).asJwtVerifier()

    val unverifiedPresentationSdJwt = loadSdJwt("/examplePresentationSdJwt.txt")
        jwtSignatureVerifier = jwtSignatureVerifier,
        keyBindingVerifier = KeyBindingVerifier.MustNotBePresent,
        unverifiedSdJwt = unverifiedPresentationSdJwt,

You can get the full code here.

Please check KeyBindingTest for a more advanced presentation scenario which includes key binding

Recreate original claims

Given an SdJwt, either issuance or presentation, the original claims used to produce the SD-JWT can be recreated. This includes the claims that are always disclosed (included in the JWT part of the SD-JWT) having the digests replaced by selectively disclosable claims found in disclosures.

val claims: Claims = run {
    val issuerKeyPair: RSAKey = loadRsaKey("/examplesIssuerKey.json")
    val sdJwt: SdJwt.Issuance<NimbusSignedJWT> =
        signedSdJwt(signer = RSASSASigner(issuerKeyPair), signAlgorithm = JWSAlgorithm.RS256) {
            plain {
            structured("address") {
                sd {
                    put("street_address", "Schulstr. 12")
                    put("locality", "Schulpforta")
                    put("region", "Sachsen-Anhalt")
                    put("country", "DE")
    sdJwt.recreateClaims { jwt -> jwt.jwtClaimsSet.asClaims() }

You can get the full code here.

The claims contents would be

  "sub": "6c5c0a49-b589-431d-bae7-219122a9ec2c",
  "address": {
    "street_address": "Schulstr. 12",
    "locality": "Schulpforta",
    "region": "Sachsen-Anhalt",
    "country": "DE"
  "iss": "https://example.com/issuer",
  "exp": 1735689661,
  "iat": 1516239022

DSL Examples

All examples assume that we have the following claim set

  "sub": "6c5c0a49-b589-431d-bae7-219122a9ec2c",
  "address": {
    "street_address": "Schulstr. 12",
    "locality": "Schulpforta",
    "region": "Sachsen-Anhalt",
    "country": "DE"

SD-JWT VC support

The library support verifying SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credentials. More specifically, Issuer-signed JWT Verification Key Validation support is provided by SdJwtVcVerifier.
Please check KeyBindingTest for code examples of verifying an Issuance SD-JWT VC and a Presentation SD-JWT VC (including verification of the Key Binding JWT).

How to contribute

We welcome contributions to this project. To ensure that the process is smooth for everyone involved, follow the guidelines found in CONTRIBUTING.md.


License details

Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.