
version 4.0.0 it's not yet on cocoapods

johncodeos opened this issue ยท 7 comments

When I try pod 'UIColor_Hex_Swift', '~> 4.0.0' it cause error on pod update. It seems version 4 it's not updated on cocoapods yet.
I used pod 'UIColor_Hex_Swift', :git => '' and it works

That's my fault, sorry about that. I was unable to push the 4.0.0 to cocoapods, there are some validation errors I haven't seen before. I will try again after 10/10.

I have the same issue... were you able to push 4.0.0 to cocoapods?

I was still unable to push the spec to cocoapods...
Could you please try just use the master branch?

Yep master is working fine, thanks.

4.0.0 is still not on Cocoapods. In case it helps, the commands are

pod lib lint --swift-version=4 --verbose --no-clean  #verify all is good. If it breaks the Xcode project will be logged and you can visit the file on your HD
git tag 4.0.0 # tag the SHA that is working noe
git push --tags # push tag to origin
pod trunk push UIColor_Hex_Swift.podspec # publish

Would be great if someone could push this out:)

After switching to a new computer, I was finally able to push the pod spec. Please use 4.0.1, thanks.