ySupport #5
defiglenn opened this issue · 3 comments
Provide 24/7 support and assistance across Discord, Telegram and Reddit, aiming to respond within 15 minutes. This is following on from previous requests #157, #130, #110, and #76.
As the first line of contact between users and the team, we ensure users have a positive experience and a perception of Yearn as a whole.
We are trusted contributors who are skilled at assisting with whatever DeFi issue is faced. Perhaps they need to interact with a contract address, or don’t understand how LP vaults work, we are here to help.
Our expertise is important because lots of different products, sometimes involving multiple layers of smart contracts, mean that there is a wide variety of questions from users with varying amounts of understanding and confidence. Through having a clear line of communication with the core team, we help ensure issues are quickly resolved, UI issues are overcome, and documentation is optimised.
To better protect our community members, having a team member present online 24/7 is important because scammers are more prevalent than ever. Scam links need to be deleted, and impersonators need to be banned urgently.
Fugggginn noooob
We understand, with yDiscount starting, the treasury will not be compensating in YFI anymore. Therefore our request is in DAI instead.
$4800 in DAI per month for discord/telegram/reddit support
$1200 in DAI per month for yearn.social management (Price talk), to fugggginn noooob
This grant covers ySupport for December, January, and February.
$6000 DAI
Wallet address
ySupport Multisig: 0xbd7B3Bc2C4581Fd173362c830AE45fB9506B3dA5
December reporting
We saw lots of questions around the yCRV and yPRISMA products. The discord channels were reorganised so users can get the help they need more easily too.
How do you evaluate team performance and quality of responses?
- Speed and quality of response is important. We aim to ensure users receive a response within 15 minutes.
- General vibe of the discord is decent, across all the different channels. POL incident resulted in a fair few unhappy users.
- Are users getting responses effectively and efficiently? Even on places like Reddit and the governance forum?
What was the general theme of questions?
- How to interact with contract directly
- How does LP based vaults work
- Confusion about yETH withdrawals. Some people did not realise need to unstake before can withdraw
- Difficulty understanding veYFI APY
- How do factory vaults work, and Yearn's role in this
- We want to work with Yearn, how can we get in touch with someone
- What is going to happen after yCRV POL incident
How were answers generally found?
- Docs particularly useful this month, to provide more details around a certain product
- Etherscan or others
- ySupport group chat useful for questions where no obvious answer
- Useful referring some questions to core contributors when more depth/expertise required
January reporting
How do you evaluate team performance and quality of responses?
We read each others responses to chip in and help and correct if necessary. Presence of core contributors also helps ensure that the appropriate help is given.
What was the general theme of questions?
- How can I contribute; partnership requests, interest in writing a v3 strategy
- Accessing legacy products such as Zksync/Argent vaults and v1 vaults interacting with etherscan
- How can yCRV get back to peg, what will Yearn do? yCRV users still don't understand the buyback strategy already in place since the beginning
- Why can't I deposit/withdraw/claim rewards etc
- Details of vault harvests, especially for factory vaults
- Length of time for OP boost and Matic rewards for v3?
- Why have rewards gone off site?
- Some users still don't seem to understand Velodrome LP vaults
- approve/withdraw button still spinning forever (solution: cowswap)
- some users unable to claim yETH rewards
How were answers generally found?
Past questions repeating themselves too
Sharing bugs so these could get fixed
February reporting
How do you evaluate team performance and quality of responses
We read over each other’s responses to ensure the appropriate, complete answer is given. Future plan to create a FAQ with optimal answers for each question, tone aligned with Yearn brand.
213 questions on Yearn Discord #support-questions, #general, #vaults-and-strategies.
- 37% answered within 15minutes.
- 92% answered effectively.
64 questions on Yearn.Finance Telegram.
- 33% answered within 15minutes.
- 94% answered effectively.
What was the general theme of questions?
- Understanding APR. How accurate is estimated? Why can’t I see earnings?
- How do v3 vaults work. Up only? What does A mean? When on Arbitrum? How do I make one?
- Withdrawing through legacy products (ygov, argent etc)
- yCRV peg. When will it be restored? Why are my returns not as expected?
- OP balance/staked amount not showing
- Velo OP vaults. How to withdraw/swap etc, where does 25% 'keep' go?
- Governance quorum. How can risk be mitigated?
How were answers generally found?
- ySupport group chat with wider Yearn contributors to ask specific questions
- Docs, Seafood, Etherscan
- Past questions repeating themselves too. Can search up previous ways the question has been answered