
Bug: TricryptoINV token pricing error

wavey0x opened this issue ยท 2 comments

What happened ๐Ÿ†˜

The TricryptoINV vault (0x6949145469362F9eeaB3c96Ea41b51D9B4cC2b21) is showing incorrect pricing. This is affecting the TVL/charts/historical rates.

It shows ~$3M tvl but should be closer to $200k.

To Reproduce ๐Ÿ”‚


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The price of the token is coming from the Lens Oracle contract:

When calling the getPriceUsdcRecommanded with 0x6949145469362F9eeaB3c96Ea41b51D9B4cC2b21 as argument, we got 1632508785 (aka $1632.508785)

If you check the totalSupply of the vault contract here, we got 1829125809753851212623 (aka 1829.125809753851212623 with 18 decimals).

1632.508785 * 1829.125809753851212623 = 2986063,9532934008

This is to the people responsible of the lens oracle to fix, nothing I can do on my side for now ๐Ÿ™

Added a new way to catch theses new AMM lp_price in yDaemon. Will be fixed on re-up later today