
hyperledger 1.0 multiple peers example

magg opened this issue · 13 comments

magg commented


could you provide an example for hyperledger fabric 1.0 with multiple peers and pbft consensus?

Good question.
Running multiple peers is easy, the docker-compose.yml (as provided by yeasy) allows to add more peers following the same template. But it is true that the new consensus mechanism is obscur for me. I don't know what CORE statement to add regarding PBFT and where to add them.


yeasy commented

@guikarai In fabric 1.0, the peer can be scaled-out in a straightforward way. in v0.6 PBFT, the peer cluster cannot be changed after bootup.

magg commented


Actually @yeasy I think in v1.0 you can also have multiple orderers... but I haven't seen an example of that yet. According to the developers is too complicated. The multiple orderers are meant to provide crash fault tolerance and consensus. The solo ordering service does not provide consensus or fault tolerance

yeasy commented

@magg definitely, we could have multiple kafka orderers.

I personally have no time to do that recently, and would welcome for any input on that.


Hi, could you please provide example with multipeer, each peer on different VMs/Systems please.

@ume0202 I will do this, I think one way is to config network in /etc/hosts, and welcome to make some suggestions and help, Thanks!

Thanks @qiang0723 ..!!
Currently i am able to run successfully with a single yaml file having 4 peers in single machine. I could do deploy, invoke and query on all the peers successfully.
Now i need to do it on different machines. Like vp0 on machine 1 , vp1 on machine 2 ... and vpN on machine N and run the deploy, invode and query with each other. Could you plz help on this.

I also tried running different yaml (each yaml for each peer) on a single machine, but it could not communicate b/w the peers.
Deployed and queried on vp0 successfully, but when i tried to query from vp1 with the same transaction id it says ....
"Error when querying chaincode: Error:Failed to launch chaincode spec(Could not get deployment transaction for 74e6b97d092d4bc19b23fabb8387cdc1cf89e22a199b17bb102a3ecd44b66af725e6458449623188f4e6c7f337291c538fbde15f053b158dff7e4c9bb9e6c4e5 - LedgerError - ResourceNotFound: ledger: resource not found)"

I am attaching the yaml files here that i am testing.

@ume0202 , I have finished this part, But need some modification, and later I will submit.

@qiang0723 , Did you get a chance to modify it?

@ume0202 sorry, this issue has been closed, and this question doesn't belong to this project, we can discuss this problem in other ways. Thx.

vr03 commented

Can someone help me in creating multiple peers, and assigning roles to the peers..?

Can any one please suggest the sample POC that implements hyperledger fabric networks that span multiple physical machine?