
chatWithPeer -> ERRO 029 Error creating connection to peer address vp0:7051: grpc: timed out when dialing

dbw5718 opened this issue · 5 comments

In the virtual machine Ubuntu16.04, Fabricv0.6 environment, when I use the PBFT consensus deployment, this error appears after I use the command docker-compose -f 4-peers.yml up to create the node
pbft-vp1-1 | 10:55:46.342 [peer] chatWithPeer -> ERRO 029 Error creating connection to peer address vp0:7051: grpc: timed out when dialing pbft-vp2-1 | 10:55:46.658 [peer] chatWithPeer -> ERRO 029 Error creating connection to peer address vp0:7051: grpc: timed out when dialing pbft-vp3-1 | 10:55:46.733 [peer] chatWithPeer -> ERRO 029 Error creating connection to peer address vp0:7051: grpc: timed out when dialing pbft-vp0-1 | 2021/12/08 10:55:53 grpc: Server.Serve failed to create ServerTransport: connection error: desc = "transport: write tcp> write: broken pipe" pbft-vp0-1 | 2021/12/08 10:55:53 grpc: Server.Serve failed to create ServerTransport: connection error: desc = "transport: write tcp> write: broken pipe"
When I try to write the chain code, the log looks like this
pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:07.511 [container] WriteGopathSrc -> INFO 029 rootDirectory = /go/src pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:07.512 [container] WriteFolderToTarPackage -> INFO 02a rootDirectory = /go/src pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:09.746 [consensus/pbft] ProcessEvent -> INFO 02b Replica 0 batch timer expired pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:09.746 [consensus/pbft] sendBatch -> INFO 02c Creating batch with 1 requests pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:10.729 [consensus/pbft] ProcessEvent -> INFO 02d Replica 0 view change timer expired, sending view change: new request batch yg28UORjBZtXmdV4cEP4G/meEEQO7dH16z5ZrFHfancJlcOLpQQ6jtm2PP8YpD5LeHniN5QUetixDBK+mINSxw== pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:10.729 [consensus/pbft] sendViewChange -> INFO 02e Replica 0 sending view-change, v:1, h:0, |C|:1, |P|:0, |Q|:1 pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:10.729 [consensus/pbft] recvViewChange -> INFO 02f Replica 0 received view-change from replica 0, v:1, h:0, |C|:1, |P|:0, |Q|:1 pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:12.729 [consensus/pbft] sendViewChange -> INFO 030 Replica 0 sending view-change, v:1, h:0, |C|:1, |P|:0, |Q|:1 pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:12.729 [consensus/pbft] recvViewChange -> INFO 031 Replica 0 received view-change from replica 0, v:1, h:0, |C|:1, |P|:0, |Q|:1 pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:12.729 [consensus/pbft] recvViewChange -> WARN 032 Replica 0 already has a view change message for view 1 from replica 0 pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:14.729 [consensus/pbft] sendViewChange -> INFO 033 Replica 0 sending view-change, v:1, h:0, |C|:1, |P|:0, |Q|:1 pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:14.730 [consensus/pbft] recvViewChange -> INFO 034 Replica 0 received view-change from replica 0, v:1, h:0, |C|:1, |P|:0, |Q|:1 pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:14.730 [consensus/pbft] recvViewChange -> WARN 035 Replica 0 already has a view change message for view 1 from replica 0 pbft-vp0-1 | 11:05:16.731 [consensus/pbft] sendViewChange -> INFO 036 Replica 0 sending view-change, v:1, h:0, |C|:1, |P|:0, |Q|:1

How should I solve this problem?


yeasy commented

Which code path are you using?

yeasy commented

That is a too old version and not supported anymore.

Got it.thank you

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