
Unable to install custom chaincode

thanosgn opened this issue · 12 comments


Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e

How to repeat the problem?

I have pulled all necessary images and used docker-compose-2orgs-4peers.yaml succesfully to run the 4 peers scenario.
After that, I edited the chaincode_example02.go under /go/src/ directory in all containers (fabric-cli,,,,, Despite all this, It seems that the initial chaincode is installed and running. The same thing happens even if I change the path to the chaincode in the peer chaincode install command, and supply a path to my custom chaincode.

According to your problem description and my understanding, I can provide a way.
You can add a volumes at service cli in docker-compose-2orgs-4peers.yaml .
like this:
#- ./e2e_cli/examples:/opt/gopath/src/
Putting your changed chaincode in ./e2e_cli/examples.
Hope can help you.

Thanks for the response, I have already tried it without success.
More specifically, I have placed my chaincode inside e2e_cli/examples/chaincode/go/chaincode_example02/chaincode_example02.go file. I have uncommented the line you suggested, and then I ran the script. However it seems that the default chaincode is still installed.

What should be the path (-p) value in the peer chaincode install command? I have it set to the default

yeasy commented

@thanosgn it would be helpful if you could post the detailed steps to repeat.

cannot guess out what happens...

  1. Edit the e2e_cli/examples/chaincode/go/chaincode_example02/chaincode_example02.go and place custom chaincode. (e.g. change the invoke function)
  2. Copy e2e_cli/examples/chaincode/go/chaincode_example02/chaincode_example02.go file in all 6 containers (fabric-cli,,,,, using docker cp command. The file is placed in /go/src/ directory.
  3. Edit docker-compose-2orgs-4peers.yaml and uncomment line 61, as suggested above.
  4. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-2orgs-4peers.yaml up -d (I have previously removed all docker containers).
  5. Enter the fabric-cli container
  6. Run scripts/ script
  7. Call the invoke function or anything else that tests your chaincode. E.g. you could run scripts/

After doing theese steps, I cannot execute my own chaincode, but I keep getting the results from the "default" chaincode that was initially in /go/src/

@thanosgn I just test with following steps, just like yours

  1. Add some test label in chaincode_example02.go, such as change Println.
  2. Uncomment line 61

then I get the output look like:
ex02 Init======test whether is replaced or still default chaincode =====================================================
Aval = 100, Bval = 200
ex02 Invoke======test whether is replaced or still default chaincode =====================================================
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"100"}
Obviously using the changed one.

Have you followed the seven steps that I suggested? If not, can you please provide a step by step execution? I frankly could not manage to execute my chaincode whatever I tried.

OK, this is my steps and whether it meets your test requirements?

  1. Change something in ""
  1. change invoke to invoke_test
  2. change fmt.Println("ex02 Init") to fmt.Println("ex02 Init===has been changed===")
    change fmt.Println("ex02 Invoke") to fmt.Println("ex02 Invoke===has been changed to Invoke_test====")
  1. Uncomment line 61 in ""

  2. Change invoke to invoke_test at line 93,95 in, such as {"Args":["invoke_test","a","b","10"]}'

  3. docker-compose -f docker-compose-2orgs-4peers.yaml up

  4. in container execute bash ./scripts/ and bash ./scripts/

  5. then check the log at new generated container:

$ docker logs 819a5679e94b
ex02 Init===has been changed===
Aval = 100, Bval = 200
ex02 Invoke===has been changed to Invoke_test====
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"100"}

$ docker logs af1c137ccb26
ex02 Invoke===has been changed to Invoke_test====
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"90"}
ex02 Invoke===has been changed to Invoke_test====
Aval = 80, Bval = 220
ex02 Invoke===has been changed to Invoke_test====
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"80"}

$ docker logs af1c137ccb26
ex02 Invoke===has been changed to Invoke_test====
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"90"}
ex02 Invoke===has been changed to Invoke_test====
Aval = 80, Bval = 220
ex02 Invoke===has been changed to Invoke_test====
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"80"}

I followed your steps exactly but made no difference. The only step that differed was 4, where I ran sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-2orgs-4peers-event.yaml up -d instead of sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-2orgs-4peers-event.yaml up. For some reason I get a lot of errors without the -d parameter.
My output was the following:

sudo docker logs 510753bb903c
ex02 Invoke
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"90"}
ex02 Invoke
Aval = 80, Bval = 220
ex02 Invoke
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"80"}

sudo docker logs 431b719bf66d
ex02 Invoke
Aval = 90, Bval = 210

sudo docker logs c34605c0dc80
ex02 Init
Aval = 100, Bval = 200
ex02 Invoke
Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"100"}

The version of docker doesn't matter, Check whether rmi new-generate images like

@qiang0723 Thanks for your help! Can you please explain the last comment a bit more? I could not understand what you suggested.

I mean each time you want to re-start fabric network , clean both container and new-generated-images first, like

docker ps
2f20f7a46ef9   "chaincode -peer.addr"   Less than a second ago   Up 8 seconds                                                                                                       
dbbfb49276a2   "chaincode -peer.addr"   Less than a second ago   Up 27 seconds                                                                                                      
f34b05b3b38b   "chaincode -peer.addr"   Less than a second ago   Up About a minute

and new-generated-images

docker images   latest                 ffa42829b2ef        Less than a second ago   172.9 MB   latest                 4bd694f8f60a        Less than a second ago   172.9 MB   latest                 1710aae8e3d8        Less than a second ago   172.9 MB

and delete them all

echo "clean containers...."
docker rm -f `docker ps -aq`

echo "clean images ..."
docker rmi -f `docker images|grep mycc-1.0|awk '{print $3}'`

Thank you! The solution was to remove the newly generated images as well as the containers, as you suggested.