
Unrecognized function or variable 'eml_invariant'

qiuziru opened this issue · 0 comments

When I run the AFQ example (without any changes of script) with matlab 2020a, it report the following errors:

Unrecognized function or variable 'eml_invariant'.

Error in coder.internal.sxalloc>mlsxalloc (line 61)
eml_invariant(nargin > n,'MATLAB:minrhs');

Error in coder.internal.sxalloc (line 28)
y = mlsxalloc(typep,varargin{:});

Error in normpdf (line 17)
y = coder.internal.sxalloc([true,true,true],x,mu,sigma);

Error in AFQ_removeFiberOutliers (line 68)
maxoutDist = normpdf(maxDist); % Requires statistics toolbox

Error in AFQ_example (line 93)
uf_clean = AFQ_removeFiberOutliers(uf,maxDist,maxLen,numNodes,M,count,maxIter);

How can I solve this problem?