
TypeScript module for the Asset Pipeline

Primary LanguageGroovy

TypeScript Asset-Pipeline

The typescript-asset-pipeline is an Asset Pipeline module that compiles TypeScript files using v1.6.2 of the compiler.

This is a work in progress and will need more extensive testing, performance improvements, etc. Until version 1.0 it should not be considered production ready.

Getting Started

Gradle / Grails 3

plugins {
    id 'com.bertramlabs.asset-pipeline' version '2.5.0'

dependencies {
    assets 'com.craigburke:typescript-asset-pipeline:0.3.0'

Grails 2

dependencies {
    compile 'com.craigburke:typescript-asset-pipeline:0.3.0'

How it Works

This plugin will compile any file with a .ts extension into corresponding JavaScript. It also supports the use of declaration files (d.ts).


You can set additional compiler options by setting the typeScript map.

assets {
    configOptions: [
        typeScript: [
           module:'commonjs' // (1)
           experimentalDecorators:true // (2)
  1. This translates to --module commonjs

  2. Since a boolean is provided as the value, this is treated as a flag and translates to --experimentalDecorators