
Crash with `:pf`

jacobjwalters opened this issue · 3 comments

Upon calling :pf f (a,b,c) = g a b c, pointfree' throws an exception and crashes the entire bot. This should be properly caught.

owenbot-exe: pointfree: not supported: PTuple () Boxed [PVar () (Ident () "a"),PVar () (Ident () "b"),PVar () (Ident () "c")]
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at ./Plugin/Pl/Parser.hs:8:14 in pointfree-

I had a peek at the source, and I can't immediately see any exception throwing (in fact, the function returns Maybe String, so I'm surprised we have this problem).

Is the error thrown due to the mishandling of the Maybe or within the function itself?

Within the function it seems, as it's a custom error thrown by pointfree.

Exceptions should be caught by the Command stuff (according to yuto), so it's doubly strange.

Time to go open a PR with them I guess
That or it could be worth trying to catch any errors raised by that function.