
yo webapp stoped on the step "choose your style of DSL"

ericwang1902 opened this issue · 4 comments

tim 20180307152107

I've read the early issue of this problem, but I can't find the solution.

Hi, what is the problem? I can't identify a problem from the screenshot

@neilhem hi, when I use yo webapp, at the step of "choose your style of DSL",I can't use arrow keys to choose BDD or TDD,can't go to next step.

I had the same problem - though in my case I was using a mapped drive on an SMB share.
To resolve, I ended up remoting into the computer on which the drive was actually mounted and running from there - which worked fine.
Not sure if that'll help you, but that was my situation.

I assume that this bug was fixed, If not we can re-open it again 😃