
Upgrade dependencies

UlisesGascon opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi team!

I saw some dependencies outdated...

  • Security Risk
    • command-exists (1.2.2 -> 1.2.x)
  • Critical
    • yeoman-generator (1.1.1 -> 3.x)
    • generator-jasmine (1.0.0 -> 2.x)
    • chalk (1.0.0 -> 2.x)
    • [devDependencies] mocha (3.1.0 -> 5.x)

I will start the migration in my fork and I will send a PR asap ;-)

More info

Good news! I updated all the dependencies.

Regular Dependencies
│ Module Name               │ Requested        │ Local  │ Remote │ Current? │
│ chalk                     │ ^2.4.1           │ 2.4.1  │ 2.4.1  │ ✓        │
│ command-exists            │ ^1.2.8           │ 1.2.8  │ 1.2.8  │ ✓        │
│ generator-jasmine         │ ^2.0.1           │ 2.0.1  │ 2.0.1  │ ✓        │
│ generator-mocha           │ ^2.0.1           │ 2.0.1  │ 2.0.1  │ ✓        │
│ mkdirp                    │ ^0.5.1           │ 0.5.1  │ 0.5.1  │ ✓        │
│ underscore.string         │ ^3.3.5           │ 3.3.5  │ 3.3.5  │ ✓        │
│ wiredep                   │ ^4.0.0           │ 4.0.0  │ 4.0.0  │ ✓        │
│ yeoman-generator          │ ^3.1.1           │ 3.1.1  │ 3.1.1  │ ✓        │
│ yosay                     │ ^2.0.2           │ 2.0.2  │ 2.0.2  │ ✓        │

Dev Dependencies
│ Module Name               │ Requested        │ Local  │ Remote │ Current? │
│ mocha                     │ ^5.2.0           │ 5.2.0  │ 5.2.0  │ ✓        │
│ yeoman-assert             │ ^3.0.0           │ 3.1.1  │ 3.1.1  │ ✓        │
│ yeoman-test               │ ^1.6.0           │ 1.9.1  │ 1.9.1  │ ✓        │

Peer Dependencies
│ Warning                                        │
│ No dependencies found in the package.json file │

I will perform a PR soon 👍