
Airbnb style booking app with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Udemy Course project - Building rental app like Airbnb with MERN Stack

This course is by Filip Jerga. Building Web app with React like Airbnb. Basic functionalities are search and create rental property. And display user bookings and rentals availability to list and remove them.

Things I've learned

I've added custom styles and extra features besides on original coures.

  • User authentication
  • CRUD functionalities
  • Sass
  • Backend API development
  • Working with Database(MongoDB)

Stack list

  • React
  • Redux
  • ExpressJS
  • JWT
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • React Router


  • CRUD rental property
  • Editing in real time (TODO: need to implment)
  • User authentication
  • Upload image (TODO: need to implement)

Run Locally

> git clone https://github.com/yeondam88/react-airbnb-style-app.git
> npm install
> npm run start-dev // to start front-end server
> npm start // to start back-end server
> npm build // deploy
  • upload image 🖼️
  • edit rentals 🏡
  • payment integration 💰
  • chat service 💬