
Should smart constructors for Rep* types in Yesod.Core.Content be marked as deprecated?

danbroooks opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently, the functions repJson, repPlain and repXml in Yesod.Core.Content have no documenting comments:

repJson :: ToContent a => a -> RepJson
repJson = RepJson . toContent
repPlain :: ToContent a => a -> RepPlain
repPlain = RepPlain . toContent
repXml :: ToContent a => a -> RepXml
repXml = RepXml . toContent

However when using these today and googling for information about the right way of using them, I came across this stack overflow question, which has an answer mentioning that this functionality is deprecated:

My understanding is that the whole Rep system is deprecated in Yesod 1.2, so Handler's now return Html and Value rather than RepHtml and RepJson.

A comment then goes on to link this changelog which mentions in 1.2:

Overhaul to the content/representation breakdown. RepHtml et al are deprecated. ChooseRep is gone. Now we have Content, TypedContent, and HasContentType. NOTE: This needs more explanation, I'll write a blog post about this and the YesodRequest/YesodResponse switch.

So my thought was it would make sense to have access to this information on these functions (where I started) in the docs rather than having to get to StackOverflow.

If these functions are effectively deprecated by way of the types they construct being deprecated then I think we should have a deprecation warning for these, along with some comments explaining why they are deprecated and a way of addressing that.

If someone can point me in this direction, I am happy to do the change request to add this documentation, I just need to know what the appropriate suggestion is instead (or if there is some existing documentation that could be linked here)

I quickly looked up my usage of this system. I also use the recommended Handler TypedContent and selectRep $ provideJson result where the type of result derives the ToJSON type class.

So for me, it sounds reasonable to deprecate the Rep* types and smart constructors and add documentation.

I think it's possible there are still cases where using the Rep* types is more convenient than alternatives, but honestly I can't think of specific cases right now. A PR including docs for this and pointing to SO and this discussion are definitely welcome. A PR marking them as deprecated is probably good too, though I'm slightly hesitant.