
Add PaymentRequired to AuthResult

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The AuthResult datatype offers the Unauthorized constructor, which logically corresponds to a 403 error, but there is no constructor that implies a user lacks the necessary subscription/license for a feature - a 402 error: payment required.

This would be a useful constructor for any proprietary software with paywalled features as 402 and 403 status codes could be handled differently, making it clear to users when a feature isn't available to them (e.g., because of their role) or when a feature is paywalled.

Implementing paywalling like this, at the Authentication level, would give devs control over when to show a paywall and when to show a 'permission denied' page (e.g., if the user lacks a subscription and lacks the required role for a feature, then the spec may be to show them a paywall over showing them the permission denied page, or vice versa). This would also prevent situations where, if a user was to be shown a paywall over a permission denied page, they would need to be authenticated initially (to see the paywall) but unauthenticated on acquiring the necessary subscription for the feature.