
Wordmove database push URL rewriting

good-idea opened this issue · 4 comments

I've configured my Movefile to push everything onto my production site. But, it's appending the port (32768) to all of my URLs. Am I missing a step? How are others handling this, with Movefile or otherwise? I have a clunky method where I'm exporting the database using a plugin, importing, and using another plugin to rewrite the permalinks.. Any simple solutions out there?

Do you mean that the localhost port number is not being removed when you use Wordmove to push the database from development to production? Although we don't necessarily recommend parity between local and production databases, this behaviour seems odd. Could you paste your dev/Movefile.erb, or email it to, omitting any sensitive information?

Hi @sqbiz, can you let us know if you've now resolved your issue?

Sorry, i missed the notification from. @tiojoca's message

# Wordmove configuration
# for more info see

# Development site settings - do not modify
  vhost: "localhost:<%%= ENV['WEB_PORT'] %>"
  wordpress_path: '<%%= File.expand_path "#{Dir.pwd}/../www/" %>'

    name: "wordpress"
    user: "root"
    password: "wordpress"
    host: ""
    port: "32773"

# Production site settings - uncomment and specify for your staging/production environments as required
   vhost: "" # production URL - only needed if you plan to pull/push the database
   wordpress_path: "/var/www/html" # remote path to WordPress (relative to FTP or SSH login)

   database: # remote database credentials - only needed if you plan to pull/push the database
     name: "wordpress"
     user: "wordpress"
     password: "[secret]"
     host: "localhost"
     port: "3308" # optional (for exotic configs)

     - ".git/"
     - ".gitignore"
     - ".sass-cache/"
     - "bin/"
     - "tmp/*"
     - "Gemfile*"
     - "Movefile"
     - "wp-config.php"
     - "wp-content/*.sql"

#   ftp: # be sure to specify the wordpress_path parameter above too
#     user: "user"
#     password: "password"
#     host: "host"
#     passive: true
#     scheme: "ftps" # optional (default "ftp")
#     port: "3308" # optional (for exotic configs)

   ssh: # be sure to specify the wordpress_path parameter above too
     host: ""
     user: "username"
#     password: "password" # password is optional, will use public keys if available.
     port: 22 # Port is optional
     rsync_options: "--verbose" # Additional rsync options, optional
#     gateway: # Gateway is optional
#       host: "host"
#       user: "user"
#       password: "password" # password is optional, will use public keys if available.

At this point, I'm using wordmove to handle the theme & any uploads I might need to push. For the database, I'm manually exporting it using a plugin, importing that into the database on the server using the command line, then using that same plugin to rewrite any existing URLs.

Note that some of these URLs are in entries from the WP-Types plugin.

Closing this issue as Wordmove is no longer used in FDK.