
Missing .gitignore after a freshly initialized project

zomars opened this issue · 4 comments

Quoting the README:

"To begin version control on your project run git init in the project folder. This will track not only your source code but also the corresponding build script and names of the modules needed to compile it into an active theme."

But as soon as I run git init I noticed that there is not a default .gitignore file as it was with the previous version.

Did you run fdk init and fdk setup to setup the project? fdk setup should copy a default .gitignore file to your project folder in the beginning of the process.

Yes, I've run both commands on two fresh projects and in both cases I've had to add the gitignore manually.

+1 on missing .gitignore in a freshly initialized project after running fdk init then fdk setup.

Hi all, thanks for the feedback – this appears to be an NPM known issue, we're fixing it and will publish an update shortly.