
Nodes and Edges are not produced for the extract_prism_data.R file

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Version: yw-1.0-alpha.6-win-x86-64.exe
OS: Windows 10, 64 bit.
Script: extract_prism_data.R

The yw generates the below graph for the above extract_prism_data.R file, without the nodes and the edges.

D:\Study\UIUC\MSIM\COURSES\FAll2017\Research Work\Testing_New_YW>yw-1.0-alpha.6-win-x86-64.exe graph Rscript\extract_prism_data.R
digraph extract_prism_data {

/* Start of box around nodes in workflow */
subgraph cluster_workflow_box_outer { label=""; color=black; penwidth=2
subgraph cluster_workflow_box_inner { label=""; penwidth=0

/* End of box around nodes in workflow */
It generates a blank pdf file.
D:\Study\UIUC\MSIM\COURSES\FAll2017\Research Work\Testing_New_YW>yw-1.0-alpha.6-win-x86-64.exe graph Rscript\extract_prism_data.R | dot -Tpdf -o extract_prism_data.pdf

It looks like the problem is with the case where a YW model comprises a single program block representing the workflow as a whole, and there are no program blocks in the workflow. Is that right? I'll add this example as a test.