
Build a SwiftUI app for iOS 13

Primary LanguageSwift

Build a SwiftUI app for iOS 13 (用SwiftUI构建完整应用)

Learning about ios&SwiftUI at first, I'm following Meng to's video tutorial. Thanks to Meng to for such a good video tutorial.

(初学ios&SwiftUI开发,正在跟着Meng to的视频教程学着。 感谢Meng to出了这么好的视频教程。)

The Course Catalog(课程目录):

  1. Learn SwiftUI for iOS 13(使用SwiftUI构建一个iOS应用)
  2. Layout and Stacks(布局和堆栈)
  3. Components and Visual Effects(组件和视觉效果)
  4. Animations and States(动画和状态)
  5. Gestures and Events(手势和事件)
  6. Timing Curve and Delay Animation(定时曲线和延迟动画)
  7. Dismiss and Drag Anchors(消除和拖拽锚点)
  8. SF Symbols and Props (SF符号和道具)
  9. Color Literal,Gradient and Overlay(颜色文字,渐变和叠加)
  10. Animation Between Screens(屏幕之间的过度动画)
  11. Drag Progress and Tap Background(拖动进度和点击背景)
  12. Binding and Screen Size(绑定和屏幕尺寸)
  13. ScrollView and Repeat (滚动视图和重复内容)
  14. Data and Image Literal(数据和图像文字)
  15. 3D Scroll Animation(3D滚动动画)
  16. Modal Presentation(模态窗口)
  17. Navigation View and List(导航和列表)
  18. Navigation Style and Passing Data(导航样式和传递数据)
  19. Combine and Edit Data(合并和编辑数据)
  20. Tab bar and Test on Device(Tabbar和真机测试)
  21. Ring Progress Circle(环形进度条)
  22. Ring Component and Formula(环形组件和公式)
  23. Ring Animation(环形动画)
  24. Custom Fonts and Modifiers(自定义字体和修饰符)
  25. If Show View and Transition(判断是否显示视图和过度)
  26. Custom Transition(自定义过度)
  27. Stacked Cards Animation(堆叠卡动画)
  28. Transition with Scrol(过度和滚动)
  29. Animation States in Array(动画状态数组)
  30. Zindex and Status Bar (Z索引和状态栏)
  31. Passing Index to Cards(将索引传递到卡)
  32. Dismiss Gustures with Scale(缩放手势)
  33. Dynamic New View(动态创建新视图)
  34. API and JSON(API和JSON)
  35. API and Combine(API和Combine)
  36. SMP and Contentful(SMP和Contentful)