
create release tag

ncopa opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, would it be possible to create a release tag?

It would be very helpful for downstream packagers.


Hi, ncopa -

I haven't used the "release" feature on github, but it's been my experience so far that some things here are fairly easy to do, and virtually impossible to undo.

So I'm hoping to get this right the first time...

The releases on the old googlecode site were:

  • xctrl-2010-10-26.tar.gz
  • xctrl-2013-06-19.tar.gz
  • xctrl-2013-06-20.tar.gz

So, If I create new tags in the github repo something like:

Then I can go to the "Creating Releases" page and create a release for each version number:

  • 2010-10-26
  • 2013-06-19
  • 2013-06-20
  • 2015-04-09

Will that be OK on your end?

would be ok. I would prefer dots instead of dashes (2015.04.09), but its not a big deal


Sorry for the slow response, I ran into some questions about the "Creating Releases" page and it took a while for the github staff to beat some sense into my head.

Anyway, I created tags for the previous googlecode releases, but I only created an official "release" tag for the latest github-only version. All the tags use dots instead of dashes as you suggested. Let me know if you need anything else.

Thanks for the nudge!

Simple tags are perfectly ok too.
