
NodeJS Parser for lm-sensors

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sensors.js is a parser for linux's lm-sensors package.

The module exports two functions,

sensors(function done(parsed, error))

Will execute sensors, parse output and execute done with parsed data. First argument in done will be empty when an error occurs.


Will parse raw_output and return parsed data.

sensorsInstalled(function done(installed))

Checks if lm-sensors is installed


var lm_sensors = require('sensors.js'); lm_sensors.sensors(function (data, error) { if (error) throw error; console.log(data); });

will output:

{ 'adt7473-i2c-5-2e':
   { 'nouveau-0000:01:00.0-3':
      { in1: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in1', value: 2.99, min: 0, max: 2.99 },
        '+3.3V': { type: 'voltage', name: '+3.3V', value: 3.21, min: 0, max: 4.38 },
        fan1: { type: 'rpm', name: 'fan1', value: 766, min: 0 },
        fan2: { type: 'rpm', name: 'fan2', value: 0, min: 0 },
        fan3: { type: 'rpm', name: 'fan3', value: 0, min: 164 },
        fan4: { type: 'rpm', name: 'fan4', value: 0, min: 0 },
         { type: 'temperature',
           name: 'temp1',
           value: 65,
           low: 65,
           high: 85 },
        'Board Temp':
         { type: 'temperature',
           name: 'Board Temp',
           value: 59,
           low: 20,
           high: 60 },
         { type: 'temperature',
           name: 'temp3',
           value: 65,
           low: 80,
           high: 105 } } },
  'nouveau-pci-0100': { 'PCI adapter': { temp1: { type: 'temperature', name: 'temp1', value: 0, high: 95 } } },
   { 'ISA adapter':
      { 'Core 0': { type: 'temperature', name: 'Core 0', value: 61, high: 84 },
        'Core 1': { type: 'temperature', name: 'Core 1', value: 60, high: 84 },
        'Core 2': { type: 'temperature', name: 'Core 2', value: 57, high: 84 },
        'Core 3': { type: 'temperature', name: 'Core 3', value: 57, high: 84 } } },
   { 'ISA adapter':
      { in0: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in0', value: 1.18, min: 4.05, max: 2.03 },
        in1: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in1', value: 1.82, min: 0, max: 4.08 },
        in2: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in2', value: 2.99, min: 0, max: 4.08 },
        in3: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in3', value: 2.98, min: 0, max: 4.08 },
        in4: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in4', value: 2.98, min: 0, max: 4.08 },
        in5: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in5', value: 0, min: 0, max: 4.08 },
        in6: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in6', value: 0.13, min: 0, max: 4.08 },
        in7: { type: 'voltage', name: 'in7', value: 2.9, min: 0, max: 4.08 },
        Vbat: { type: 'voltage', name: 'Vbat', value: 3.09 },
        fan1: { type: 'rpm', name: 'fan1', value: 1386, min: 10 },
        fan2: { type: 'rpm', name: 'fan2', value: 0, min: 10 },
        fan3: { type: 'rpm', name: 'fan3', value: 1326, min: 0 },
         { type: 'temperature',
           name: 'temp1',
           value: 64,
           low: -1,
           high: 127 },
         { type: 'temperature',
           name: 'temp2',
           value: -78,
           low: -3,
           high: -41 },
         { type: 'temperature',
           name: 'temp3',
           value: -35,
           low: -1,
           high: 127 },
        cpu0_vid: { type: 'voltage', name: 'cpu0_vid', value: 1.238 } } } }