
Push to Hub Support

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey @yeyupiaoling! Thanks for building such a valuable resource for the Whisper community 🤗 It would be much appreciated to acknowledge the original Whisper fine-tuning blog post in the references, from which much of the fine-tuning code is inspired.

In addition, it would great to add push_to_hub support to upload model checkpoints directly to the Hugging Face Hub during training. The Hub provides:

  • Integrated version control: you can be sure that no model checkpoint is lost during training.
  • Tensorboard logs: track important metrics over the course of training.
  • Model cards: document what a model does and its intended use cases.
  • Community: an easy way to share and collaborate with the community!

To date, there are over 10 thousand fine-tuned Whisper checkpoints on the Hub. Enabling Hub support would grow the Chinese Whisper community further, particularly through the efforts of this repository!

@sanchit-gandhi Thank you for your contribution.