
The Problem of Generating UV Map

yqwu94 opened this issue · 1 comments

When I run 6_generate_image_map.py script, I found that there are difference between my result and author's result on uv_coords.jpg.

uv_coords = face3d.morphable_model.load.load_uv_coords('Data/BFM/Out/BFM_UV.mat')
uv_coords_image = mesh.render.render_colors(image_vertices, triangles, attribute, h, w, c=2)
uv_coords_image = np.concatenate((np.zeros((h, w, 1)), uv_coords_image), 2)
io.imsave('{}/uv_coords.jpg'.format(save_folder), np.squeeze(uv_coords_image))


I think that there are some difference between my BFM_UV.mat and author's BFM_UV.mat. Is there anyone who can provide a file A that can be used correctly?

Hi, were you able to identify the reason for this type of UV Map?
I am facing a similar issue myself.